Get to Know President Kailee Norris

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Originally from Harlingen, TX near South Padre Island on the southern tip of Texas; currently in San Diego, CA due to active-duty husband’s career and current station at MCAS Miramar.


Ally ‘24 Community Health major and Jackson ‘26 English major (Also has another daughter who is a senior in high school.)


I was the first Aggie in my family, class of ‘99 and married Drew ‘00. Since then we’ve had 3 nephews and our 2 children attend A&M with hopefully more to come.


Probably seeing A&M through the eyes of my own children and knowing that some of the friends they are making now will be their friends for life. My family has all seen the close bonds we have with our classmates and the instant connection that occurs when we meet another Aggie and I believe that’s why we’ve had more family members choose to attend school there. The Aggie Network can not be compared to anything else at another school! I think my best and favorite A&M memories are yet to come with corps march-ins and Aggie Rings being ordered. Lots to look forward to and I couldn’t be happier my kids chose to share these traditions by attending A&M.